※ My New Obsession- Panko

A coworker told me about them, when we were taking about my Elli Fried Chicken aka EFC
So the last few times I have made it I have used them. The result, delicious crispy and light.

Panko is the Japanese word for “bread crumbs.” Panko are the Japanese version of bread crumbs, and they tend to be lighter, crispier, and crunchier than Western bread crumbs. They are excellent for breadings, and make an excellent filler in things like crab cakes. Many Asian specialty stores carry panko, and panko are also available in some conventional grocery stores, especially those in urban areas.

Several things set panko aside from regular bread crumbs. The first thing is the coarse grind, which creates bread crumbs which are more like flakes than crumbs. The flakes have a large surface area, which absorbs seasoning well. They tend to stay crispy longer than regular bread crumbs, and they also absorb less grease.

In Asian cuisine, panko are often used to create a lacy outer layer of breading. The flaky structure of panko ensures that the crumbs do not compress, but instead form a layer of airy breading on the exterior of fried foods. Grease drains readily from foods dredged in panko, making the resulting food taste less heavy and oily than it might otherwise. Seafood, in particular, fares very well with a coating of panko.

If you can get your hands on some I higly recommend this ingredient.


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