※ All Ready For Christmas.

Ready for Xmas now. Puddings are steamed, I ordered my groceries online to be delivered Xmas eve. (No hope in hell I am going near any shops between now and Tuesday) My lovely mother in law is getting me fresh produce the day before. (I'm so lucky) I've written the menu plan and delegated certain aspects to different family members. All that work and the food gets eaten in no time at all! Well worth it I say. The one day of the year where I think it is okay to over indulge on the good things in life. Just got to get up early to put the lamb roast in the oven at 6am Christmas morning so it can cook for 5 hours then rest for 1. Hope you all have a lovely day whatever you get up to. I would also like to take this opportunity to say to everybody thanks for your support in 2012. Especially big thanks to all those who bought soaps recently which helped out Saffron on The Hill. I have a few great ideas I'd love to turn into a reality in 2013 and am really excited. Lots of Love Els...